Camellia plants are lovely shrubs that offer eye-catching flowering in Spring. The glossy, green foliage is a year-round feature due to the plant being evergreen, allowing for interest far beyond the festive season. Ideal for placing on a patio, balcony, or within a garden display. Well known for their upright and bushy habit, they are a delight for any level of gardener.
It is not only the foliage that provides interest with this variety, the pink, red or white flowering is eye-catching and bears a gorgeous fragrance. The plant will keep its strong, green colouring in its leaves in the second half of the year. After the Winter dormant stage, the cycle will start over again.
Caring for these plants is a low-maintenance task due to their hardy and compact structure. Light pruning is required after they flower, and their shape should be re-modelled every so often to encourage fresh growth. Plant them in moist, well-drained soil, position them in full sun to partial shade and keep them well watered during the warm Summer months.