How To Put Ribbon On A Christmas Tree

How To Put Ribbon On A Christmas Tree

What do you like to put on your Christmas tree? Some lights? Maybe a few baubles and a bit of tinsel here and there? You've maybe seen ribbon on a Christmas tree somewhere, usually in big shop displays or on TV where they employ a 'professional tree decorator', but you've always just assumed it was too fiddly or difficult to do at home, so you do the same as last year.

Well, think again! This year is the year you put ribbon on your own Christmas tree! And we're going to help you!

It's a great way to add a certain sophistication or elegance to Christmas trees - and there are so many ways in which you can use ribbons when you decorate. Once you have mastered these techniques, there will be no stopping you!

What ribbon should you use?

Before we get into how to put ribbon on a Christmas tree, we should first consider what kind of ribbon you should use. That may depend on precisely what look you are going for, but we would recommend wired ribbon for most styles.

Wired ribbon will hold its shape really well, and when you are adding ribbon to tree branches, you'll want it to stay rigid as you move it around the tree. You can use 'regular' ribbon, but it may be a more frustrating process as you try to get it in exactly the right position - plus any draft that whips through the house could blow it out of shape.

Having said that, if you are going to tie knots or bows, or weave around small branches, non-wired ribbon is better suited.

In terms of size, you'll find that 4 inch ribbon is probably as big as you'll want to go (wide ribbon can become unmanageable), while 2 inches is probably the smallest. Make sure you choose ribbon colours which will complement your ornaments.

How to put ribbon on a Christmas Tree

Once you have your tree and your ribbon, it's ready to get started! While there are lots of different styles of ribbon on a Christmas tree (which we will look at later), we will first cover some general points on how to go about this form of Christmas decorating:

Prepare your tree

If you have an artificial tree, you may need to fluff out the branches before you start decorating. We always prefer natural trees, though, so would recommend a pot grown or a fresh cut tree.

How to secure your ribbon on a Christmas Tree

Once you know where you want to start your ribbon, there are a few different options. For some types of ribbon, like mesh ribbon, the needles will do a lot of the work for you, and you can simply tuck the end of your ribbon onto a branch, and the needles will hold it in place. For other types of ribbon, you could try one of these techniques:

Pipe Cleaners or Floral Wire

Either of these tools will do the job when it comes to securing your ribbon. Floral wire is small and discreet, while pipe cleaners come in a wide range of different colours, so you'll be able to find one that matches either your tree or your ribbon so they blend in.

Ribbon loops

If you are 'wrapping' your tree with ribbon (draping it round and round the entire tree), you may not need anything else to secure it - as you add ribbon, just keep wrapping it around the branches, which will hold it in place. Basically, this is like you might use tinsel on your tree.

Add a bow as part of your decoration

You could tie a decorative knot, using your ribbon, to attach it to a branch. Or, you could create a large bow and use it as a tree topper. You could use the same style to add ribbon to Christmas wreaths.

Use ribbon strips, rather than the whole role

We believe that so much of Christmas preparation is about making things easy for yourself - so this is our top tip. Cut your ribbon up into strips, and then add it in stages. You can easily combine the strips when they are on the tree, either using small pins, or pipe cleaners/floral wire we mentioned above, but it is far easier than using big long lengths - you'll just get into a muddle.

Another top tip while we're here - if your tree is up against a wall, don't waste your time decorating the bit that no one will see. As long as your ribbon appears to go all the way around, that's all that matters!

How to finish your ribbon display

You should work from top to bottom on your tree, so when you get to the bottom there are a couple of options - either you can just let your ribbon hang down, which can have a nice cascading effect, or you can tuck it into the thick branches near the bottom, to keep the end out of sight. 

Different styles of Ribbon on a Christmas Tree

There are many different options:

Wrapping and Tucking

This is probably the most popular style of Christmas tree ribbon, and it basically involves draping the ribbon around the tree from top to bottom. You can include more than one type (a floral ribbon with a gold ribbon, perhaps), and keep it at an angle as it works its way down. Use the branch tips for support as you go.

Add ribbon to the other Christmas decorations

You can combine ribbon with your other Christmas decorations, particularly baubles or other ornaments. and really enhance your display. Tie non-wired ribbon, cut into strips, to the top of your ornaments - use two ribbons of different widths, and try cutting them to different lengths for a more textured display.

Cascading ribbon

This involves straight lines of ribbon hanging down the tree, or, if you're feeling adventurous, ribbon that bellows down your tree. For the latter, simply tuck the ribbon into the branches for each bellow - you may need to secure each one with the pipe cleaners/floral wire.

Ribbon on a Christmas Tree - FAQs

How much ribbon do you need to decorate a Christmas tree?

Obviously this will depend on how tall your Christmas tree is, and what style you are going for (wrapping around the entire tree will take more than cascading down in a straight line). However, I have a general rule of thumb - get around 2.5 metres of ribbon for every foot of tree. So if your tree is 6ft, get around 15m of ribbon. It's always better to get more than you think you'll need - you can always use the ribbon on present wrapping, or save it for next year!

When should you put the ribbon on your tree - before or after the ornaments?

We think it's always best to put the Christmas ribbon on first, then ornaments. The ribbon provides a nice backdrop for the more detailed ornaments.

What is the simplest way of adding ribbon to a Christmas tree?

The easiest way to add ribbon is to 'wrap and tuck' - you just start at the top and work down, going around and around. The branches will provide the support, so you just need to feed it into the right spots.

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